Looking for a Roulette betting system to use on your next trip to Vegas? We've recorded the spin-by-spin results for dozens of systems reviewed by the CEG Dealer School. They're all available here.
Find Your Favorite System

On our Roulette System page, find a system that suits your buy-in budget and betting size. If the stats and ratings look good, click the system name to see more details for that system.
System Details

On the system's page, you can see more of the details, including info on the betting scheme and whether there are different betting tiers when the system requires MartingalingThe Martingale betting system calls for doubling your bet after a loss, trying to chase a win. after a loss.
If you think the system will work for you, there's a link to CEG Dealer School's YouTube video so you can watch the system in action.
The Betting Scheme

You can see how the bets are laid out and how much you stand to win or lose with every spin. If the system has multiple tiers, you can click on the tier amount to see how the betting and payouts change.
We used JackAce's Roulette Bet Analyzer to generate these betting scheme images. Read more about this tool on our blog post.
Spin-by-Spin Results

See the spin-by-spin results below the details. You can track the rise and fall of the system by looking at the Running Total column. If there multiple "friends" playing this system, then their results are broken out and grouped together.
Spin Distribution

How do your favorite numbers perform? See how often each number has hit and whether it's far out of whack with the other numbers. It's all available on our spin distribution page.
Want to Contribute?
We've just started our efforts to catalog the extensive list of CEG Roulette Systems. We're able to keep up with new systems, but we could use some help backfilling the dozens of older reviews.
Even if you're not a programmer or web designer, you can help maintain this list!
It's a lot easier than you think. There's just a single .json
file that you need
to edit. All you need is a GitHub account.

If you can look at this file and understand how it works, you are qualified! Hit us up in the comments below.