Roulette Systems:  Trench Warfare 🪖

Air Date:  5 Apr 2024 System Type: 🐙 Multi-Leg
Buy-in: $1,300
Bet per Spin: $20
Total Bets: $780 Total Win/Loss: +$70
Total Expected Loss: -$41.02 Total Comp Value: $8.20
Total Spins: 26 Seconds between Spins: 32
Rating: D - Eggplant JackAce Rating: D - Eggplant
Notes: Multi-leg Martingale

Betting Schemes

Tier 1 ($20)Tier 2 ($30)Tier 3 ($50)Tier 4 ($90)Tier 5 ($170)
Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for Trench Warfare 🪖
Betting schemes for Trench Warfare 🪖
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$10 on an Even money bet (Red/Black/Odd/Even...Don't bet High/Low), and $10 on a Dozen. Keep the $10 Dozen bet frozen, but 🔥 Martingale the Even money bet on a loss.

Alex moved the dozen bet around as well as the even money bet.

Alex was up $40 at the end, but I have him being up $50. Not sure what the discrepancy was.

If you want to Martingale, just Martingale. The $10 hedge is just nonsense.

Since this is a Multi-Leg system, the betting diagrams may only include the base tier bet.

Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Time Notes
1 12 Red -$20
$20 -$20 1:07
2 6 Black +$10 $30 -$10 1:47
3 29 Black $0 $20 -$10 2:20
4 3 Red -$20
$20 -$30 2:54
5 9 Red -$30
$30 -$60 3:30
6 12 Red -$50
$50 -$110 4:06 Result displayed in video was -$90
7 4 Black +$70 $90 -$40 4:39
8 10 Black $0 $20 -$40 5:24
9 30 Red -$20
$20 -$60 5:57
10 33 Black +$10 $30 -$50 6:19 Result displayed in video was +$30
11 11 Black $0 $20 -$50 6:55
12 30 Red -$20
$20 -$70 7:34
13 9 Red -$30
$30 -$100 8:07 Result displayed in video was -$50
14 22 Black +$60 $50 -$40 8:41 This spin wasn't recorded in the video.
15 35 Black $0 $20 -$40 9:20
16 19 Red +$10 $20 -$30 9:46
17 22 Black +$40 $30 +$10 10:16 Result displayed in video was +$60
18 9 Red -$20
$20 -$10 10:55 This spin wasn't recorded in the video.
19 14 Red $0 $30 -$10 11:26 Result displayed in video was +$10
20 33 Black +$30 $50 +$20 12:01 Result displayed in video was +$70
21 31 Black $0 $20 +$20 12:33
22 15 Black +$30 $20 +$50 12:55 Result displayed in video was +$10
23 27 Red -$20
$20 +$30 13:38
24 21 Red $0 $30 +$30 14:09
25 11 Black +$30 $50 +$60 14:32 Result displayed in video was +$70
26 14 Red +$10 $20 +$70 15:03 Result displayed in video was +$70
Total Bets Total
    -$41.02 $780 +$70    
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