Roulette Systems:  Grapefruit Step System πŸ‘£πŸͺœ

Air Date:  27 Feb 2023 System Type: ⬆️ Positive Progression
Buy-in: $500
Bet per Spin: $50
Total Bets: $2,330 Total Win/Loss: -$634
Total Expected Loss: -$122.55 Total Comp Value: $24.51
Total Spins: 11 Seconds between Spins: 43
Rating: D - Eggplant JackAce Rating: F - Durian
Notes: This is a progressive system. Go to the next step when you hit. When you miss, drop back down to tier 1. At tier 5, you're supposed to win 5x before progressing. At tier 6, you're supposed to hit $100 3 times before you walk.

Betting Schemes

Tier 1 ($50)Tier 2 ($80)Tier 3 ($120)Tier 4 ($200)Tier 5 ($250)Tier 6 ($500)
Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for Grapefruit Step System πŸ‘£πŸͺœ
Betting schemes for Grapefruit Step System πŸ‘£πŸͺœ

Stepping through 4 Grapefruit systems.

Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Time Notes
1 28 Black +$30 $50 +$30 2:12
2 10 Black -$80
$80 -$50 3:02
3 13 Black +$30 $50 -$20 3:32
4 33 Black +$40 $80 +$20 4:08
5 25 Red +$96 $120 +$116 5:12
6 10 Black -$200
$200 -$84 5:46
7 11 Black +$50 $250 -$34 6:50 Alex proceeded with the progression here even though he lost ("for the purposes of YouTube").
8 17 Black +$50 $250 +$16 7:50
9 00 Green -$250
$250 -$234 8:40
10 27 Red +$100 $500 -$134 9:23 Alex 'borrowed' $300 to continue the progression, betting $300 on bottom half and $200 on 1st Dozen.
11 13 Black -$500
$500 -$634 10:05 Alex stayed at this level.
Total Bets Total
    -$122.55 $2,330 -$634    
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