Roulette Systems:  One Number Jackpot

Air Date:  22 Aug 2022 System Type: 🤯 Other
Buy-in: $600
Bet per Spin: $120
Total Bets: $1,005 Total Win/Loss: -$270
Total Expected Loss: -$52.86 Total Comp Value: $10.57
Total Spins: 8 Seconds between Spins: 56
Rating: F - Durian JackAce Rating: D - Eggplant

Betting Schemes

Tier 1 ($120)Tier 2 ($120)Tier 3 ($135)
Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for One Number Jackpot
Betting schemes for One Number Jackpot

For this system, you pick a number 1-36 and bet all the bets containing that number. It's single unit bets on the inside, and 3 units on the dozens/columns, and even money bets.

David said this was "also known as the 'Complete' bet", but this is not accurate. The 'Complete' bet is a single 40-unit bet on a number in the middle column that gets distributed into

  • One 1-unit Straight-up bet
  • Four 2-unit Split bets
  • One 3-unit Street bet
  • Four 4-unit Corner bets
  • Two 6-unit Double-Street bets

A 'Complete' bet does not contain any outside bets (dozens/columns or even money bets).

I'm giving this system a "D" because there are too many moving parts. I think if you were to just pick a single number and consistently bet it, you could familiarize yourself with the payouts. When you change the number, the wins and losses have to be re-calculated for every spin and every result. That makes it more difficult to determine if you're being fairly paid on every spin.

Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Time Notes
1 27 Red -$15 $120 -$15 1:26 Alex bet around the number 28 for this spin.
2 5 Red -$60 $135 -$75 3:12 Alex bet around the number 29 for this spin.
3 30 Red -$75 $135 -$150 4:19 Alex bet around the number 20 for this spin.
4 36 Red -$60 $120 -$210 5:03 Alex bet around the number 16 for this spin.
5 23 Red +$45 $120 -$165 6:13 Alex bet around the number 25 for this spin. Video said +40, but it should be +45.
6 13 Black -$120
$120 -$285 7:13 Alex bet around the number 30 for this spin.
7 35 Black +$90 $120 -$195 7:46 Alex bet around the number 31 for this spin.
8 24 Black -$75 $135 -$270 9:01 Alex bet around the number 29 for this spin.
Total Bets Total
    -$52.86 $1,005 -$270    
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