Roulette Systems:  No F's Given

Air Date:  21 May 2022 System Type: Flat Bet
Buy-in: $800
Bet per Spin: $200
Total Bets: $3,772 Total Win/Loss: -$172
Total Expected Loss: -$198.40 Total Comp Value: $39.68
Total Spins: 19 Seconds between Spins: 38
Rating: C - Plum JackAce Rating: D - Eggplant
Notes: All of the straight-up payouts were incorrect in the video. The system author didn't take into account getting their money back.

Betting Scheme

Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for No F's Given
Betting scheme for No F's Given
Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Time Notes
1 24 Black $0 $200 $0 3:46
2 33 Black $0 $200 $0 4:08
3 3 Red -$200
$200 -$200 4:31
4 29 Black $0 $200 -$200 5:05
5 9 Red +$52 $200 -$148 5:33 Should be +52, not +45
6 14 Red +$52 $200 -$96 6:54
7 17 Black +$520 $200 +$424 8:25 Win here is +520, not +500
8 10 Black -$186
$186 +$238 9:56 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here.
9 27 Red $0 $200 +$238 10:32 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but they counted this as a push.
10 30 Red $0 $200 +$238 11:00 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but they counted this as a push.
11 30 Red $0 $200 +$238 11:28 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but they counted this as a push.
12 13 Black -$200
$200 +$38 12:01 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but Alex paid $200 directly to Freddy.
13 20 Black $0 $200 +$38 12:30 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but they counted this as a push.
14 6 Black +$124 $200 +$162 13:00 Alex should have won $124, not $115 here (assuming a 200 bet).
15 27 Red $0 $200 +$162 13:39 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but they counted this as a push.
16 8 Black +$52 $200 +$214 14:10 Alex should have won $52, not $45 here.
17 5 Red -$200
$200 +$14 14:50 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but Alex paid $200 directly to Freddy.
18 32 Red $0 $200 +$14 15:23 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but they counted this as a push.
19 13 Black -$186
$186 -$172 15:57 Didn't bet the 14 or 16 here, but this time Freddy scooped the layout properly.
Total Bets Total
    -$198.40 $3,772 -$172    

They really messed up in the calculation of payouts for this system. All the straight-up bet payouts are being under paid in the video because the system author didn't remember to include the bet amount.

Hitting the 17 Black should have paid +$520 instead of $500.

Hitting the 6 Black should have paid +$124 instead of $115.

Hitting the 9 Red should have paid +$52 instead of $45.

Hitting the 14 Red should have paid +$52 instead of $45.

Hitting the 8 Black should have paid +$52 instead of $45.

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